miércoles, 13 de agosto de 2014

Health Improvements

In attempting to assess the contributions of medical care to health improvements, the goals of care must first be addressed. The saving of lives in acute life-threatening emergencies is an important such goal, but it represents a very small component of the total medical effort: while lives are saved, the sum of such saving is too small to have a measurable impact on the life expectancy of an entire population. A much larger effort is devoted to preventive or curative measures, and these do have a large and measurable effect on the life expectancy of the population as a whole. An even greater component of medical effort is devoted to improving the quality of life, or more accurately, to preventing or to minimizing the poor quality of life associated with chronic disease: to the relief of pain, disfigurement, and disability.
Estimation of months or years of increased life expectancy attributable to the treatment of a particular condition involved a three-step procedure: calculation of increases in life expectancy resulting from a decline in diagnosis-specific death rates, estimation of increases in life expectancy when therapy is provided under optimal conditions, and estimation of how much of the decline in disease-specific death rates could be attributed to medical care when provided in routine practice
Treatment can shorten as well as lengthen life expectancy. This is dramatically evident in surgery and anaesthesia which, however well performed, entail some risk of death and has been used to explain, at least in part, differences in life expectancy between countries. The two-fold greater rates of discretionary surgery in America, relative to England and Wales, that I reported in 197019 could thus be expected to reflect this risk and was estimated to account for a third to a half of the greater life expectancy in England and Wales at that time.20 It was assumed that the rates of emergency and lifesaving or life-extending surgery were essentially the same in each country and that the discrepancy in surgical rates applied primarily to discretionary surgery for non-life-threatening conditions.
The impact of an unhealthy lifestyle is large for the individual but relatively small for the life expectancy of the entire population. The individual who smokes and is perhaps overweight and inactive may lose 7, 8, or more years of life expectancy. With about a quarter of the population smoking, the population as a whole would gain about 1½ years if every smoker quit. Overweight individuals and those classified as obese would, by returning to normal weight, gain as much as a half and 1½ years of life expectancy, respectively. With more than half of Britons and Americans overweight and over a fifth obese, their return to normal weight could gain about a half-year of life expectancy spread across the population. The inactive but otherwise healthy individual can, by exercising, increase life expectancy by as much as 12 months. Roughly adjusting for confounding by social class, I estimate that the population would gain 2 or 2½ years of life expectancy if everyone assumed the lifestyle of the fittest.

How then should governments, committed to improving the health of the populations they serve, invest for the future? The provision of medical care, the development of healthier personal habits, and the creation of a more just social environment each hold the potential to improve health. The benefits of medical care that have already been achieved can be estimated with considerable precision and they are substantial. The benefits of a healthier lifestyle have been achieved only to a very limited degree, while inequalities in health have increased and are continuing to do so.

martes, 12 de agosto de 2014

You regret the fact that you had plastic surgery and it went wrong
·        If only I had had more money I would have paid for another Doctor
 I told you, you should ask for recommendations first.
·        I´d rather I didn’t have the surgery done
                         You should though about it twice

 Someone you like asked you to go dancing, but you can’t dance!
·        It’s high time I start taking dance lessons
That’s a good idea!
·        If only I knew how to dance, it would have been a perfect ice breaker
                       It’s a shame you don’t know how to dance, you should learn

Your best friend wants to smoke in your house, and you don’t want her to
·        If only she didn’t smoke meetings may be easier
o   Yes, she always goes out to smoke
·        I’d rather she smoke outside the house

o   The smell inside of the house it’s really annoying

 Your spouse has been unemployed for 18 months.
·        What if he found a job this week?
o   That would be awesome, so we could pay the rent
·        If only he hadn’t been unemployed we would had money for the car

o   It is going to take you longer to fix the car

You were born 100 years ago
·        I wish I had met interesting people
o   Those times were definitely  boring
·        I would rather been born 10 years after today

o   For that time, living would be more expensive

It’s really late. You want your friend to go home, but she wants to stay.
·        I’d rahter pay her a taxi
o   Its going to be really expensive, she lives far away from here
·        If only I hadn’t to go to work tomorrow early, I’d lead her stay.

o   You should explain that to her, she might understand

Sitting on a plane, the person behind you keeps kicking your seat.
·        I´d rather he didn’t had sit behind me
o   Or maybe you prefer he had take other fly
·        If only I had found another seat

o   You should looked for the empty ones, and change were you were sitting.

martes, 8 de julio de 2014


Environmental problems cause loss of biodiversity. Deforestation and pollution of water sources; constitute a major environmental threat by destruction causing ecosystems. For example extinction of frogs in the cloud forests, destruction of coastal mangroves, erosion of natural and agricultural landscape, climate change, and pollution of coastal.
It is one of the environmental problems more common and damaging actually; virtually everyone contribute to it: if you not used landfills, do not separate the garbage and not recycle. This problem is intensified when, away from home, is added the one produced by commerce, industry and hospitals. Solid waste produced contamination, physical, chemical and biological with destructive effects on nature and human health. People should create conservationist awareness that induces the producing less waste, the reuse and recycling.

Forests play an important role in the life of the planet and human beings; between they prevent erosion, hold moisture planet, absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and convert the oxygen by photosynthesis. For this reason the deforestation is one of the environmental problems that cause more damage to the environment and to humanity. Food demand and urbanization, population growth and the increase in agricultural production contributed to the forests began to be replaced by agricultural areas and areas residential.
Air pollution occurs when substances and harmful gases are incorporated into the environment by the activities carried out as people and produce. Main of pollution causes are manufactured goods that are produced without the use of clean technologies. Cars, trains, planes boats are used to move and in the market. Agricultural production using pesticides and dangerous fertilizers are a important fact in the air pollution. Using sprays and the increased production and consumption energy.  Poor quality fuels flood of pyroclastic materials, gases and acid rain. Environmental pollution can affect directly the health of the population.
Water is necessary for life and climate sustainability. We use it in almost all daily activities. For most them drinking water is concerned; therefore, although we have many sources of water that might be contaminated so we cannot used it no longer. Main causes of water pollution are microorganisms, substances and items medium. The population increase, the industrialization, intensive biodegradable agrochemicals. Tank sedimentation. Decrease the flow by deforestation. Contamination of groundwater. Regime Change by rain climate change.
For most of history, mankind has had a destructive relationship with nature; to the point of limiting their own expectations of life, causing various environmental problems. The health of the planet, protection and conservation of natural resources and all life is a commitment that each person and society must assume, working to build a more just world democratic, peaceful, supportive  for us, our families and the humanity in general


Violence can be defined in many ways. The World Health Organization (WHO) said that violence is the intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, or against a group or community,  that either results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm, bad development or deprivation. It can include physical, sexual and psychological abuse. On the other hand, discrimination is the practice of unfairly treating a person on a group of people differently from other people. It is commonly based on the grounds of age, religion, sex, ethnicity, disability which are irrelevant factors to a person’s competence.
Equal treatment of women and men under the law is necessary for women and girls to realize their full potential and enjoy equal rights and opportunities with men. Laws that discriminate against women not only avoid gender equality but also that the state considers women to be on a means lower footing that men. Sexual violence and abuse is any type of sexual activity that you don’t agree to, including inappropriate touching, sexual intercourse that you don’t want to, rape, etc.
Sexual assault can be verbal, visual, or anything that forces a person to join in unwanted sexual contact or attention. Examples of this are voyeurism (when someone watches private sexual acts), exhibitionism (when someone exposes him/herself in public), incest (sexual contact between family members), and sexual harassment. It can happen in different situations, by a stranger in an isolated place, on a date, or in the home by someone you know.

Violence against women by any one is always wrong, whether the abuser is someone you date; a current or past spouse, boyfriend, or girlfriend; a family member; an acquaintance; or a stranger. Women are not at fault. They did not cause the abuse to occur, and they are not responsible for the violent behavior of someone else. Women should learn how to minimize the risk of becoming a victim of sexual assault or sexual abuse before they find themselves in an uncomfortable or threatening situation. And, learn about how to get help for sexual assault and abuse below. Another important part of getting help is knowing if you are in an abusive relationship. There are clear signs to help you know if you are being abused.

Violence can be categorized in a number of ways. The World Health Organization has developed the following useful typology that divides violence into three categories, based on the relationship between the perpetrator/s and the victim/s: Self-directed violence includes suicidal behavior and self-harm. Interpersonal violence includes violence inflicted against one individual by another, or by a small group of individuals, and can be categorized as family and intimate partner violence; involving violence between family members, and intimate partners, including child abuse and elder abuse. This often takes place in the home. Community violence; involves violence between people who are not related, and who may or may not know each other (acquaintances and strangers). It generally takes place outside the home in public places. Collective violence includes violence inflicted by large groups such as states, organized political groups, militia groups or terrorist organizations. The types of violence outlined above are distinguished by the relationship between the perpetrators and the victims of the violent behavior. The violent behavior can be further described in terms of whether it is physical, psychological, sexual, or involves deprivation and neglect. This typology is useful for demonstrating the nature of the violence, the relationship between the offenders and victims, and the settings where violence occurs, within the family or the community. For example, violence in public places can include intimidation, threats, and physical or sexual assaults, between friends or strangers. Child abuse in the home can include psychological, physical and sexual abuse and neglect.

sábado, 14 de junio de 2014

First Impression

The First day of class was really nice. One of the things I like the most it's that we hace the opportunity to share with people in other careers.

Two quarters ago, I was in English 3, and it was a terrible or not so nice class. The professor in charge wasn´t that good and had no skills for teaching, and her pronunciation wasn´t the ideal for an English professor.

This quarter it is different. Since day 1, I felt different the environment with the professor and the classmates. I hope this goes on until the end of the course.

martes, 27 de mayo de 2014

Dream Country

Bon BiniWelcome to Curaça 

A treasure trove of surprises. Small in size, but full of life and charm, this captivating island is a must in your life. We are proud to be the hidden gem of the Caribbean. Unravel the secrets of the best Caribbean trip to Curaçao!

What makes Curaçao special among the islands of the Caribbean ? 

  • Its authenticity . It was claimed that for centuries , they have built a rich and vibrant culture that is rooted in history and hospitality. They speak Dutch , Spanish , and English and THEIR local language Papiamentu , a Creole dialect colorful. 
  • It is said that one of the best part of exploring Curaçao is that you feel you're not figured as an exclusive hideaway . One of the "ABC islands " Aruba , Bonaire, and Curaçao. This place is a hidden slice of paradise and the best kept secret of the Caribbean. Visitors and locals mingle in harmony throughout the island . 
  • Curaçao's people love socializing , so do not be surprised if they shake hands and say "Bon Bini " (Welcome !) Friendly or " Kon ta bai " ( How are things going? )


Scattered along the calm and protected southwest coast, where the waters are calm and clean as crystal you can enjoy from dawn to dusk. 

If you come to visit Curaçao, I recommend you to practice Diving and Snorkeling.
Divers and snorkelers can not stop talking about the beauty of the underwater world of Curaçao. Let me assure you that we have a good reason. We like to think that there is no place in the world that offers such a variety of great beaches for diving or opportunities to enjoy the beauty of nature the sea while snorkeling practice. Curaçao diving and snorkeling comprises 40 areas including 65 individual sites.
If I were you I wouldn't miss it!  It´s believed as a good value for your money!!! 

  • Curaçao Carnival is the largest and most important cultural event. It brings together more than 40 ethnic groups in a flamboyant and frenetic celebration. The Curaçao season begins in early January with the Tumba Festival and ends the day before Ash Wednesday.
    The Grand Parade passes through the narrow streets reaching Willemstad. Is a mixture of street party, theater, art, culture, history, cuisine and folklore.

  • We also have the annual Curaçao North Sea Jazz Festival, that seems to be one of the best festivals all over the area. 



domingo, 21 de abril de 2013

¿Cuál es la importancia de un buen currículum?
Todas las empresas reciben cada día muchos curriculum, esto confirma que la importancia de este es  el primer paso para llegar a un puesto de trabajo, sin embargo, este primer paso puede ser completamente diferente en cada caso; desde el propio curriculum hasta la forma de enviarlo. El curriculum es el arma propia del demandante de  empleo. Es el primer paso, la carta de presentación y la tarjeta de  acceso al trabajo deseado. Estos son algunas de las claves que debe presentar nuestro curriculum:

-Claro y conciso: El curriculum debe tener como máximo dos hojas, destacando sobre todo tus logros más importantes
Objetivo claro: Debe tener un título y un objetivo claro y relacionado con nuestras habilidades, experiencia profesional y expectativas sobre nuestra nueva tarea.
Experiencia profesional: Es aconsejable hacer una lista de la experiencia profesional en orden cronológico, indicando desde el trabajo más reciente hasta el más antiguo.
Logros: Es importante incluir los logros cuantificándolos en base a un incremento porcentual y tiempo en el que se alcanzaron.
Cursos: Indicar los cursos relevantes que se justifiquen con la obtención de algún diploma y que vayan de acuerdo al objetivo y trayectoria profesional.
Mencione cuál es según su experiencia y conocimientos, la ética que debe tener todo profesional en su vida laboral?
Acorde a mi carrera, un profesional de la salud en el campo de la Odontología; debe  ser una persona cortes, amable y servicial, estar disponible a cualquier hora para sus pacientes. Esto de la mano con las normas que nos menciona J DuBrin (2008) como demostrar cortesía, respeto,honestidad y justicia, no emplear lenguaje ofensivo, mantener la confidencialidad de la información, no ofrecer sobornos y no acosar.
En la medida que todos los miembros o personas de la empresa o consultorio en este caso, acaten el código de ética, mejorara la calidad de vida laboral y se fortalecerá las relaciones interpersonales en la organizacion.